The Trading Sessions indicator for MT5 is a technical analysis tool developed by FXSSI to display the major trading sessions in the financial market. This indicator provides information on the opening and closing times of different trading sessions, thereby enhancing better trading decisions.
Features of the Trading Sessions Indicator
The indicator is a beginner-friendly tool that displays the London, New York, Tokyo, and Sydney trading sessions on the MetaTrader 5 (MT5) chart. It shows the current trading sessions using a box, while the future trading sessions are highlighted with a vertical line.
Moreover, the indicator’s parameters are customizable, allowing traders to enable or disable preferred trading sessions. Besides, the indicator automatically detects suitable time zones based on traders’ local time.
Benefits of Using the Indicator
- Enhances Market Analysis: The indicator helps traders understand the session currency pairs tend to trend or range, enabling objective trading decisions.
- Identification of Market Patterns: The indicator helps traders to identify and make trading decisions based on market behaviors (e.g., price reversal during session overlap, etc.) that are peculiar to a trading session.
Indicator Settings Description
The indicator comes with the following customizable settings:
Tokyo: Enables/Disables the display of the Tokyo trading session.
Tokyo Time: Sets the Tokyo trading time.
London: Enables/Disables the display of the London trading session.
London Time: Sets the London trading time.
New York: Enables/Disables the display of the New York trading session.
New York Time: Sets the New York trading time.
Sydney: Enables/Disables the display of the Sydney trading session.
Sydney Time: Sets the Sydney trading time.
Short Name Length: Determines the number of letters to display trading sessions.
Server Time Offset: Defines the server time to display trading sessions.
Fill Sessions background: Enables/Disables color fill for the background.
Past sessions to show: Determines the number of past sessions to display.
Future sessions to show: Determines the number of future sessions to be displayed.
Show Till Timeframe: Determines the time frame to show the trading sessions.
Color shame: Determines the color to display trading sessions.
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